BOOMIN Bingo at The Stanley

In the week between Christmas and the New Year, Darren wanted to not only put on a great night of entertainment for his local community in Burscough, he also wanted to raise some money for a couple of local charities that do lots of great work in West Lancashire where he lives
Teaming up with his son and fellow PC Roadshows DJ Danny they teamed up with The Stanley Club to hold a fun night of BOOMIN Bingo.
After holding a poll on a local Burscough community forum two charities were chosen Woodlands Animal Sanctuary and The Foodbank at Burscough Methodist Church. The date was set, and tickets were sold with profits from the tickets donated to the two charities. The show was written and on the 29th Burscough enjoyed bingo madness. Burscough danced, conga’d, laughed and even sang school hymns in an action-packed fun night of bingo. Prizes and cash were won with Nicky walking away with the grand jackpot prize of £500 in cash.